A record 115,000 fans are expected to jam into Michigan Stadium tomorrow night for the first-ever night game at the Big House. It should prove to be quite a spectacle, even if both programs are mere shadows of their former selves.

I have two predictions for the game: 1) Notre Dame Coach Brian Kelly will still fucking swear at his fucking players from the fucking sidelines despite the fucking ridiculous criticism he received from the fucking media this week (but I still think he’s a douchebag) and 2) Michigan will win in an epic shootout with very little defense, 55-48.

And now for your listening pleasure…

Earhole Top 10: Week 6

Big shakeup at the top as Prick Sabin’s Crimson Tide fall to South Carolina (hmm… Prick vs. Cocks—that’s a battle nobody wins).  Preseason rankings have given the Buckeyes an unfair advantage pushing them to #1 in most national polls, but they really aren’t close to the caliber of Oregon in my mind.  Michigan State breaks into the Top 10 after dismantling the Wolverines and Heisman hopeful, Denard Robinson in front of 113,000 in the Big House.  Impressive win for the Spartans and Badass Coach of the Year candidate, Mark Dantonio.

1. Oregon (6-0)
2. Ohio State (6-0)
3. Nebraska (5-0)
4. Oklahoma (5-0)
5. Boise State (5-0)
6. TCU (6-0)
7. Auburn (6-0)
8. Michigan State (6-0)
9. Alabama (5-1)
10. LSU (5-0)